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Who among these nominees will win The Rookie of the Year 2016 #CAP

Happy Birthday to Pope Francis "80th Birthday Anniversary "December 17, 2016" #Cap

Sjava - Before (Official Music Video) #CAP

Catch U.K Baddest Promoter "Billy Que of London" tonight at NYC New York Club Four Ways. #CAPontherun

KEEP YOUR HEAD (Mark Angel Comedy) (Episode 97) #CAPComedy

Bakus Records and Entertainment Release Quata Budukusu Official Promotion art work by Joassycan Pro "City Alert Plus" #CAP

Trump promises Syria 'safe zones', Obama says no easy fix #CAP

UN seeks solution on Gambia #CAP

Putin turned election hacks in Trump's favour: US officials #CAP

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The Countdown is over, Join us today for Suya Sunday Experience at the Sands Sandton. #CAPEvent

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