This Woman Helps South Africa’s New Power Plant Reduce Emissions
The Kusile Power Station, a high-efficiency, reduced-emissions coal-fired power plant will provide electricity to 3 million South African homes when it is up and running. GE Reports profiles the work of Nthabiseng Kubheka, who works for GE Steam Power Systems. Kubheka's role, as the project director leading the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of Kusile's unique desulphurization plant, helps transform sulfur dioxide emitted from the plant from a harmful gas into a synthetic form of the mineral gypsum by spraying limestone slurry into the flue gas. Read more. More from GE in Africa in this BRIEFING. Kubheka says the majority of her colleagues on the projects she managed were older than her. “But what I appreciated most was that they all gave me a chance to prove myself, and as soon as they realized I was good at my job, they gave me the respect I deserved,” she says. “Now I know I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself.” Kubheka works for G...