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By wearing the contact lenses people cannot make out that you are having some problem with their eyesight. Even, it will be quite easier for them to look good without wearing spectacles.

City Alert Plus

Advantages of contact lenses

Contacts provide better side vision as compared to eyeglasses.

A variety of lens types can be found to meet up with individual needs.

They eliminate the call to wear eyeglasses continuously.

Contact lenses provide predictable eyesight correction.

Contacts cost in excess of eyeglasses but lower than surgery
(although surgery can be less expensive eventually if it
permits you to go without having glasses or even contacts).

Some persons prefer how they look as soon as wearing contacts
rather than eyeglasses.
Look presentable
Contact lenses are a replacement to eye glasses which would have
covered your face with big glasses throughout these years. This is
 the time to look as you are without the use of heavy eye glasses.
 Whether you go to a public gathering or attend a wedding party
of your friend, contact lenses would bring out your natural beauty.
Hiding eyesight problem
It you are wearing an eyeglass; it will be quite natural for the viewers
 looking at you to make out that you have an eyesight problem. But,
 after wearing the contact lenses which gets placed transparent to 
your eye, no one can ever make out that you are suffering from 
the eye sight problem. Thus, you can easily hide the fact that 
you are having power in your eyes.

Trendy look
Some people willing to get a trendy look also go for the contact lenses
 with colors. This will change the color of your inner eyeball and you will 
look like a separate personality. There are also instances where people
 adopt wearing the eye lenses instead of the sunglasses. Just like you 
choose sun glasses with different colors, choosing eye lenses with
 different colors that protects you from the sun is also easier to be chosen.

There was a time when the eye lenses have been really very costly. 
People were even afraid to hear its price as only a group of people in
 the society with ample money in hand had the power and potential to
 get the eye glasses. But today, science had advanced and with 
changing technology people can afford eye lens as they cost within your reach. 
Even some eye lens with power is cheaper than some eye glasses.

There is certainly an increased risk regarding corneal infections, 
scratches, and scrapes.

Lenses may be easily damaged or dropped.

Cleaning and disinfecting your current lenses may be 
 complicated and inconvenient. You may need good hand-eye
 coordination to decontaminate, insert, and take away the lenses.

Some persons cannot wear for the purpose of comfortably. 
After going through the initial discomfort and expense of
 for the purpose of, some people continue to find these 
individuals uncomfortable or else unsatisfactory.

Wearing for the purpose of can cost a minimum of $150 each year,
 including the prices of cleansing and disinfecting solutions.
 Those who to substitute their contacts or alter prescriptions
 frequently may spend additional. The cost from the lenses 
varies in line with the type regarding lens a person wear.

In some work places, you will have to use protecting 
 eye-wear in the event you wear for the purpose of.

Complication in cleaning
When any dust particle or object sticks over the eye glass, you certainly take
 out your eye glass, wipe it with a soft cloth and wear it again. This is quite 
easy to clean eye glasses. But, cleaning the eye lenses are not so easy as
 they are placed at your eye contact if any dust enters inside your eye there
 will be irritation and since the eye lenses are small and is made up of 
transparent fiber while cleaning, it might slip from your hand.

Difficulty in lens insertion
Even the technique of lens insertion is difficult. Since the eye is a delicate 
part of your body and lens has to place inside your eye, it requires care
 and practice for placing lens in the perfect place. You need to place the 
eye lens exactly in the middle of your eye or else you might not be
 able to see properly.

Changing the lens
When you are going to get eye lenses in your eye power, it is very important
 to note that one pair of eye lens can be used for only certain duration of time.
 Once the time duration is over, you need to replace the eye lens. Thus,
 this will be a recurring expense for you in the long run.

Initial discomfort
Individuals using eye glasses for several years will find discomfort at an initial
 stage if they certainly adopts wearing the lens as it will take time for you to
 adapt with the change. Also you might forget that you are using eye lens
 and rub your eye with hand which can give rise to falling out of eye lens.


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