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Barack Obama Says Hillary Clinton Is More Qualified to Be President Than Him (and Bill Clinton) #CAPews

Man, oh man. Barack Obama just came out during the Democratic National Convention and gave one incredible speech that was full of wit, laughs, zingers and mic-drop moments, once again proving that he is a master public speaker.
During the DNC in Philadelphia, Obama opened with some funny remarks about getting older while his wife Michelle Obama hasn't, some heartfelt comments about the pride he has for his two daughters, and some outstanding praise about his choice as the next president, Hillary Clinton.
"You know, nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the oval office. You can read about it, you can study it, but until you've sat at that desk, you don't know what it's like to manage a global crisis or send young people to war," Obama told the crowd. "But Hillary's been in the room. She's been part of those decisions. She knows what's at stake in the decisions our government makes, what's at stake for the working family for the senior citizen or the small business owner, for the soldier, for the veteran. And even in the midst of crisis, she listens to people and she keeps her cool and she treats everybody with respect."
He continued, "And no matter how daunting the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits. That is the Hillary I know. That's the Hillary I've come to admire, and that's why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill Clinton, nobody, more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States."
Although Bill was up and cheering at that statement, Obama still felt obliged to say, "I hope you don't mind, bill, but I was just telling the truth, man." LOL!

Earlier in his speech, Obama recalled running against Clinton for the Democratic nomination, and couldn't help but admit that she was tough competition.
"Let me tell you, eight years ago you may remember Hillary and I were rivals for the democratic nomination. We battled for a year and a half. Let me tell you, it was tough because Hillary was tough. I was worn out. She was doing everything I was doing, but just like Ginger Rogers, it was backwards in heels. And every time I thought I might have had the race won, Hillary just came back stronger."
That was part of the reason why Obama decided to add Hillary to his team. "But after it was all over, I asked Hillary to join my team. And she was a little surprised. Some of my staff was surprised. But ultimately she said yes, because she knew that what was at stake was bigger than either of us. And for four years, I had a front row seat to her intelligence, her judgment, and her discipline. I came to realize that her unbelievable work ethic wasn't for praise, it wasn't for attention, she was in this for everyone who needs a champion. I understood that after all these years she has never forgotten just who she's fighting for."
As for Clinton's competition, Donald Trump, Obama told the crowd, "I have to say this. People outside of the United States do not understand what's going on in this election. They really don't. Because they know Hillary, they've seen her work."
He added, "He's just offering slogans. And he's offering fear. He's betting that if he scares enough people, he might score just enough votes to win this election. And that's another bet that Donald Trump will lose. And the reason he'll lose it is, because he's selling the American people short. We're not a fragile people. We're not a frightful people. Our power doesn't come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order as long as we do things his way. We don't look to be ruled.
"Our power comes from those immortal declarations first put to paper right here in Philadelphia all those years ago. We hold these truths to be be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that we, the people, can form a more perfect union. That's who we are. That's our birth right, the capacity to shape our own destiny."
President Obama concluded with, "I'm ready to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen so this year in this election, I'm asking you to join me to reject cynicism and reject fear and to summon what is best in us to elect Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States and show the world we still believe in the promise of this great nation. Thank you for this incredible journey. Let's keep it going. God bless you. God bless the United States of America."
AND SURPRISE! Hillary steps out on the stage to say hello to the cheering crowd alongside Obama. No, she didn't say anything. She's saving it all for tomorrow night.
"Tonight was a sad night for the Democratic Party. They offered no solutions for the problems facing America—in fact, they pretended those problems didn't even exist," Trump's campaign released in a statement (via Twitter).`

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