Arnold said his contract extend up to 15 years covering 15 seasons, adding that he is very happy with his new hot chair as a new Boss of The New Celebrity Apprentice."The Celebrity Apprentice" has raised more than $15 million for charity. This season's winner will gain the coveted title of the Celebrity Apprentice and a $250,000 check to give to their designated charity. This show is produced and internationally distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). Mark Burnett, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Page Feldman and Eric Van Wagenen are executive producers
The 16 celebrities line-up up are as follows:
1. Laila Ali- She is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1999 to 2007. Two-time hall of fame, TV host, author, health and wellness expert, and daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali.
2. Brooke Burke-Charvet- Brooke Burke-Charvet, better known by her maiden name Brook Burke, Brooke Burke is an American actress, model, dancer and a television personality.
3. Eric Dickerson- He is a former college and professional American football player who was a running back in the National Football League for eleven seasons during the 1980s and 1990s.
4. Boy George- Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, lead vocalist for the pop band Culture Club, international DJ and a coach on the U.K.
5. Matt Iseman - "American Ninja Warrior" host, comedian, actor and licensed physician.
6. Carrie Keagan - Carrie Keagan is an American television personality, actress, writer, producer as well as a successful horse show exhibitor who owns Saddlebred horses.
7. Carnie Wilson - singer, television host and the member of the pop music group Wilson Phillips.
8. Ricky Williams- He is a retired American football running back who played twelve seasons in the National Football League and Heisman Trophy winner.
9. Porsha Williams - co-host of nationally syndicated "Dish Nation," star of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and entrepreneur.
10. Chael Sonnen - Chael Patrick Sonnen is an American mixed martial artist who is signed with Bellator MMA.
11. Kyle Richards - Kyle Richards-Umansky is an American actress, television personality, memoirist and philanthropist from Los Angeles, California.
12. Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi - reality television star and New York Times best-selling author.
13. Vince Neil - Vincent Neil Wharton is an American vocalist and musician, best known as the lead vocalist of heavy metal band Mötley Crüe.
14. Jon Lovitz - comedian, film and television star and former "Saturday Night Live" cast member
15. Lisa Leslie - Naismith Hall of Famer, four-time Olympic gold medalist and WNBA champion who earned an MBA.
16. Carson Kressley - Carson Lee Kressley is a television personality, actor, and designer.
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