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Happy birthday to Lady Rukky

Cappers Can you wish my Mama first born Happy Birthday #ladurukky #canfamily #yeswecan #happybirthday

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Lagos Palava: Vital accident in Marylad Lagos Nigeria this afternoon #CAP

The report came to CAP not long after this incident happened,  A honda car was crushed by a long trailer along Maryland Ikorodu road in Lagos Nigeria.  To all lagosians i am very sure they are used to this kind of incident happening all the time.

This must stop, Like really... I dont know why people and the government dont think of Safety first, I remember there was a law which banned this so called trailers driving in the city and express way during the day.

But they won't just obbey the law because they know that they can always get away with anything that happen with bribe.

Always think of Safety first.

@CityAlertPlus #CAPontheRUN


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