Things producers write when they get broken heart! OR dumbed by a girl.
They be like
1) I love fl/cubase/protools etc- this is de commonest nd De first stage of de broken heart.
2)Music is my first love - this is the stage where the broken heart is entering entering this stage he spends a lot of time playing usless beats that he will neither sell or use...jux to pressure...the likelihood of de producer releasing a diss track to de girl is high around 93%
3)I trust u fl/cubase/protools etc - at this point it's almost like he's insane..oya he starts posting pics of the DAW he uses changes his dp nd profile pics to fl or cubase or to de picture of his studio... brother relax ebi camouflage de broking heart enter ein capillaries and arteries(in Medikals voice)...caustion:: at this point don't ask for a free beat I repeat don't ask for a free beat ... I rest my case.......
Producers Amanihunu
To be continued