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Happy birthday to Lady Rukky

Cappers Can you wish my Mama first born Happy Birthday #ladurukky #canfamily #yeswecan #happybirthday

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Must Watch: See what this amazing 3 years old kid did to his mother #CAPontheRUN

This is so amazing! Meet "Anjola Gold" Little kid show casing his God giving talent on the street of Johannesburg, South Africa. We only discovered this is not easy to do when people around "Adult & Kids" tried and they couldn't do what this little kid know how to do perfectly. Awesome God. Discover your inbuilt talents now and work on it just like "Anjola Gold"

Concept by Joassycan Pro for Creative minds plus, Powered by City Alert Plus "CAP on the RUN"

got content for us or you know any creative person you want us to show case? contact us now cap@cityalertplus or visit +27619157473 thats whatsap. (CAP 2017)
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