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Protect lives, not cows - Nigerians protest outside Buhari's London House #CAPondaRUN

The #ResumeorResign protesters gathered outside President Buhari's house in London 
 The protesters are demanding that the president resume office or resign 
The members of Concerned Nigerians (CN) in United Kingdom have gathered outside President Muhammadu Buhari's London residence to protest. The protesters are demanding that the president return home to Nigeria or resign immediately due to an undisclosed ailment that has kept him out of office for more than 100 days. 

The protesters could be seen setting up placards and banners outside the president's residence. The banners have words like: "Protect lives, not cows. "Buhari, go back home. "Resume or Resign, Nigerians say enough is enough.

Some of the protesters could be heard singing solidarity songs and demanding the president return home to Nigeria immediately. The protesters compared President Buhari's health condition to that of late President Musa Yar' Adua and reminded him of how he (Buhari) demanded that Yar'adua be impeached when he was on a sick bed. 

The protesters planned to stay outside the building till the morning of Saturday, August 19 and they did. Although, the protest is reportedly just warming up as those gathered outside the house are less than 20 but the London police patrol vehicle was spotted at the venue. 


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