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From My point of view

We need wise Principled teachers

Julius Mashifane

It is unclear what he did but what is clear is how this big woman was assaulting this small disabled boy, then the driver of the school bus joined in and assisted the woman to push the boy out of the bus leaving him lying on the ground crying. I know this sound like some sort of a fiction if you haven’t seen that video of a pupil being assaulted by a teacher, but those who saw it knows how saddening it was to watch, I wonder how the parents                                                                                                       of that child felt like when they saw
it. Just recently I have been following reports of teachers abusing learners. In one of the reports 30 learners have been impregnated by two teachers, Imagine. Remember the saying “Evil triumph when good men do nothing” indeed it does. I wonder where the female teachers were when their male colleagues took advantage of these young girls and made them sex slaves. Were they complicit to it maybe? If they knew what was happening and did nothing that disqualifies them as teachers.
 Whenever teachers embarked on a wage strike I would be on their side no matter the figure they are asking for. I always believed they didn’t even have to propose a figure, they were just supposed to get what they deserved as they carried huge responsibilities with their profession. Teachers are the shape shifters of our society, as they spend more time with children who are our future leaders. Teachers produce teachers, lawyers, doctors, models, presidents, engineers etc.
 The criterion used to appoint teachers is wrong and it is failing all of us. Most teachers of today do not meet the standards required to preside over our society, to mentor our children. The system used to appoint teachers must be revised, so one must prove that they’ve got passion for teaching, before even being allowed to enroll for teaching studies.
Teachers must go through a vigorous process to be appointed; they must prove their worthiness. They must go “Through the eye of the needle” as the ANC document on electing leaders is titled. Sadly I know of people who studied teaching or are being persuaded to study teaching where as they have no passion for it nor the qualities. People study teaching because it is one of the professions with lot of vacancies and a good salary. With the level of unemployment and poverty in this country who will blame them? Well I do if it compromises the quality of education and our children’s livelihood The work of teachers doesn’t start and end with the classroom curriculum, it goes beyond that.
A teacher is a parent to many, a social worker, a motivator, a coach, a role model and could do no wrong. The teachers conduct inside and outside the classroom should complement each other. We know teachers are also human beings and they make those mistakes made by all of us but before the eyes of our children they should appear to be perfect humans until they are at such an age to understand the reality of it.
During the course of my studies I learnt of a modelling theory, which suggests that people’s behaviour is somehow subconsciously influenced by what they see, which they later reproduce when dealing with others. I think this is more applicable to children. Ever wondered why such young boys are perverts, why they’ve got no respect for a girl child, why they are so violent, why young girls see themselves as being cheap, why they have no respect for their bodies, why they do not value education, have you ever wondered why? Children’s mind are vulnerable they cannot make sense on their own they constantly need to be guided and not only by being told what to do but by seeing you do it. We need wise principled teachers!


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