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23 Lessons 2021 Taught me about Love

23 Lessons 2021 Taught me about Love

It's no news that at one point or the other we all have had our brutal share of the sweets and thorns in love. Here are takeaway lessons 2021 mercilessly dished out to me!

  1. Not every good/gracious feeling is love. That it is exciting, thrilling, doesn’t make it love. feel it wholly you may understand it’s nothing close to love.
  2. Love has no religion, love itself is a religion. People who understand what love is will agree with me.
  3. Love is beyond “my spec”. It can make a non-spec the perfect spec.
  4. Love is beyond an expected commitment or feeling. I hate to say it, but love is an intentional decision. You either decide to love a person because you feel so much love for him/her, or you decide you just want to live to love this person regardless of whatever you feel for him/her. Again, in an understandable term, love is an intentional decision.
  5. Love is not just about mushy, fickle feels that send a high sugar rush down your spine that can lead to sexual tension. Beyond that, Love is that strong will you feel when your ego says, “no!” but you can’t but surrender/yield to your gut and do it anyway, knowing your ego feeds on your pride whilst your soul feeds on love.
  6. Love calms, soothes, and doesn't overwhelm. If it overwhelms and causes tension, it isn’t love.
  7. Loving is not in what you can get. It is in what you can give, the best, and what you can make of it, for you, for me/her/him.
  8. Love is not having to go searching the webs to look for words to overstate your feelings, it is in articulating your words exactly how you feel. I mean, you’ll almost find the exact word in expressing yourself because love needs no sugarcoating when it’s true, it is just sweet enough.
  9. Love doesn’t hurt, people do and greater, do the attachment. No! Love didn't hurt you, dear, Tola either did or the attachment you've formed with what the connection (can) provides.
  10. Love isn’t complicated. The world is full of people with plentiful complications which makes love feel like it is the complicated one.
  11. Love is not I love you because you're with no flaws. Love is, I love you despite all your flaws.~ Olu junior
  12. Unconditional love isn't to love without condition. Unconditional love is loving you despite, and even with the conditions.
  13. People will use love to show you shege, you've to know when to leave. That brings us to number 14.
  14. In this fight and journey of love and light, your greatest weapon is loving you first, because people will frustrate you, mad people will make you run mad, people will leave you, they can wake up one day and not be into you anymore (this may have nothing to do with you). What and who do you have at the end of the day? It’s you. So self-love is your only weapon!
  15. You will never be capable of loving a person right if you never loved yourself yet. Only when you love yourself will you know the portion to which to love and be loved in return, will you be able to differentiate what love is and the illusion of it.
  16. Love will change you, loving will change you. It will either bring out your best or worst. In my opinion, It exposes your full potential when it flows, like how best you can handle it.
  17. Remember from number 4. Love may be the simplest yet very tough decision to make. Especially in this life that fully peoples chaotic people, people whose minds you’re unable to read, who don’t see effective communication as an important skill to own, people who have been taught and learned just how well to repress their feelings and be hard, over being exactly sincere as their heartbeat.
  18. Again, love may find you in the most uncomfortable of all situations, the craziest of all states, in the weirdest of all places. Love may find you just when you think you’re not ready or worthy of it yet.
  19. Some people get so lucky with love. They get to love and to be loved right. While it's not luck for many in it, maybe it's simply just content in what they've got being enough and making “the available” their preference. But of course, this is enough to brag about in this world full of mayhem.
  20. People being the ones full of complications, and not Love (from number 10), nothing beats finding one who is as complicated as you but chooses you, ready and willing to figure the best you both can make out. This is yet another bragging badge to plaster on, thinking about this world filled with flawed structured judgment.
  21. Life is too long of a journey not to find a company. Someone who is crazy as you, who you are alike in purpose with or your favorite, someone just enough for you to share your abundance with. That is why people should marry, because what is life without experiencing it all? And it’s all okay if you'd rather not engage and find a different meaning.
  22. I’m a great person, when I feel, I feel deeply. And when I love, I love deeply, almost that will be beyond the other person's ability to fully reciprocate in exact measure. So I may cry over and over because of love, which is okay. I will fall in love with whoever too, which is also okay, but I have got to choose based on who is deserving and worthy of it.
  23. My only hope of getting loved right remains the alien(s). For I'm no longer into romantics from this world no more, it is beyond y'all as a people. Thank the gracious God and universe for Elon Musk, now there's a glimpse of hope and dream to cling to because it seems as though my love isn't from this planet but at least I can find it in space now (when we get there).

  24. In other words, love has shown me shege (hell), and if you can relate with all, then... and you too. If you don't mind sharing, what are your major love takeaway lessons in 2021?


My Love lesson in 2021 is don't look for love, Love will find you.

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