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Meet Prophet Daniel Abodunrin, Who was Eaten by Lion for trying to Replicate the Bible Story of Daniel in "the Lion's Den"

 Prophet Daniel Abodunrin was a popular Nigerian pastor that died while trying to replicate the Bible story of Daniel. Before the year 1991, he had already performed so many miracles, however, in 1991, he decided to replicate the Bible story of Daniel who was thrown inside the lion's den but survived because of the powers that were bestowed on him by God.

He decided to perform his daring miracle at the zoological garden at the University of Ibadan. On that fateful day, people from within and outside Nigeria were at the zoo to see the array of animals at the zoo, however, he was at the zoo to put to test the word of God. On that fateful day, he came to the zoo dressed in red clothes.

He reportedly sneaked into a cage that was filled with lions as he hoped to showcase to people that the God Daniel served in the olden days still exists. He entered the lion's den with the Holy Bible under his armpit.


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